Sector Schools & Playgrounds
Size 1600 sq ft
Location City of La Salle, Ontario
Duration 2 months
Fabric Commercial Light
Owner Blue Imp Playgrounds
Architect/Engineer In-house Design
La Salle

Project Overview
Shade Sails Canada is a proud preferred supplier to Blue Imp Playgrounds, one of the largest playground manufacturers in Canada who recently celebrated 100 years in business. The City of LaSalle recently constructed a large children’s facility and were looking to provide a large amount of shade to protect the children and parents using the facility in the summer.
We provide a range of services at TensArch, including full-service shade structure fabrication and installation, sail fabrication and consultation. For this project, Blue Imp installed the posts themselves and used our expertise in flying and fabricating shade structures, consulting with us to provide their engineers with load calculations.
Shade Sails then undertook a site visit to obtain accurate measurements, a key component in ensuring a correctly flown shade sail, before fabricating and installing the sails ourselves.
Project Highlights
Project Highlights

Free Span Fabric Structures
A free-span fabric structure is a cable reinforced, high-tension Shade Sail spanned between multiple anchor points. The fabric sail can be attached to existing structures and/or posts, which are engineered to support large amounts of load. These structures can cover both large and small areas and are particularly aesthetic, especially when post/attachment point heights are varied to create hyperbolic (twisted fabric) shapes. While the posts for these structures are permanent, the fabric itself can be removed for the winter and during storms. Free-span fabric structures are widely used across many industries and applications including restaurants, playgrounds, seating areas, public parks and spaces, storage and events.
- Certified installation recommended
- Large Spans
- Limited Span
- Post Position Flexibility
- Shade Design Flexibility
- ShadeArt™
- Substantial Footings