Shade Sails Canada can complement your design by providing needed Shade while dramatically enhancing the aesthetic of the space. Work with us to enhance your design and make it your showpiece.

Our Shade Analysis service will show shaded spaces at different times of the day, maximizing needed shade areas while allowing sunlight in others.

The Safety and usability of outdoor spaces has never been more front of mind for clients. We are experts at designing the right Shade products for the right space at the right budget.

Our consultant services include the shade component with your design from the inception of your project.

Let us take you to lunch at one of our Lunch & Learns or contact us for help on a specific project.

Our Shade Consultants are ready to help!

  • Shade Consultants at your service 
  • Shade Analysis 
  • 3D design renderings designed into your model 
  • Fast turnaround time
  • 20+ years experience
  • All season designs


Shade Consulting

This service is available to help provide your clients with an accurate description of what they can expect for the shade component of their project.

We will provide design, materials, construction detail, and timelines to completion.

We can be as involved as you need. Providing input from design right through to completion, on a consultant basis, offering you consistency and accuracy of the completed product as well as the expertise needed to complete this specialized work.

Shade Analysis & Design

Our 3D Shade Analysis shows shaded spaces at different times of the day, maximizing needed shade areas while allowing sunlight in others.

Share this with your clients giving them/you complete control of the finished product and vision of the space.

Our friendly expert staff members specialize in our products and work in-house. Expect very prompt response times for edits and feedback. 

Use this service as a tool to offer clients a visual experience of their future shaded space.

Contact Us to Learn More

Please get in touch. Our expert designers will work with your architects to find the perfect solution. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.