Sector Parks
Size 1800 sq ft
Location Point Pelee National Park, Ontario
Fabric Commercial Heavy - Monotec Shade Cloth
Owner Parks Canada
Architect/Engineer GM BluePlan
Point Pelee National Park
Project Overview
In 2015 Parks Canada undertook renovations as part of a rejuvenation project at Point Pelee Information Centre, making improvements to the inside of the Centre and the outside seating area. Their seating area also serves as the waiting area for their transportation system and upgrading this area was a large part of revitalizing their outdoor space.
The largest engineering consideration for this project was the water table; Point Pelee is the southernmost tip of Canada and sits on Lake Erie. As opposed to pier footings, which are used on most structures, TensArch used ballast footings due to the inability to excavate below normal levels. These engineering considerations ensure the life of the Shade Structure and their durability in all weather conditions.
As well as Point Pelee, Shade Sails has worked with Parks Canada on other projects and we enjoy working closely with their engineers, soil testers and staff to ensure our work is non-evasive while ensuring a structurally sound product that will last for many years.
Project Highlights
Project Highlights
Free Span Fabric Structures
A free-span fabric structure is a cable reinforced, high-tension Shade Sail spanned between multiple anchor points. The fabric sail can be attached to existing structures and/or posts, which are engineered to support large amounts of load. These structures can cover both large and small areas and are particularly aesthetic, especially when post/attachment point heights are varied to create hyperbolic (twisted fabric) shapes. While the posts for these structures are permanent, the fabric itself can be removed for the winter and during storms. Free-span fabric structures are widely used across many industries and applications including restaurants, playgrounds, seating areas, public parks and spaces, storage and events.
- Certified installation recommended
- Large Spans
- Limited Span
- Post Position Flexibility
- Shade Design Flexibility
- ShadeArt™
- Substantial Footings