Past Projects

Port Dover

Sector Municipalities, Parks
800 sq ft
Port Dover, Ontario
Duration 4 months
Fabric All season and all weather waterproof / Waterproof Ferrari 802
Owner City of Port Dover
Architect/Engineer Advanced Shade Systems/Shade Sails Canada

Port Dover

Port Dover is a beautiful waterfront town in Norfolk County, Ontario. They recently undertook a waterfront revitalization project, including the improvement of area walking access and the installation of a fabric structure to shelter entertainers performing next to their Harbour Museum.

Shade Sails used a waterproof material to extend the usage of the shade structure into the shoulder seasons. Engineering considerations were specific to the waterproof material, which is much heavier and thus produces a higher load. Waterproof sails add more longevity to your structure and create a useable space in inclement weather conditions.

Because the shade structure was so close to the water, the water table was a major consideration when installing the posts. With proper planning, our footings were able to maintain a dry pouring environment, which was particularly important due to the increased post sizes to accommodate the added load of the waterproof sail.

Project Highlights

Project Highlights

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