Sector Municipalities, Parks
Size 800 sq ft
Location Port Dover, Ontario
Duration 4 months
Fabric All season and all weather waterproof / Waterproof Ferrari 802
Owner City of Port Dover
Architect/Engineer Advanced Shade Systems/Shade Sails Canada
Port Dover

Port Dover is a beautiful waterfront town in Norfolk County, Ontario. They recently undertook a waterfront revitalization project, including the improvement of area walking access and the installation of a fabric structure to shelter entertainers performing next to their Harbour Museum.
Shade Sails used a waterproof material to extend the usage of the shade structure into the shoulder seasons. Engineering considerations were specific to the waterproof material, which is much heavier and thus produces a higher load. Waterproof sails add more longevity to your structure and create a useable space in inclement weather conditions.
Because the shade structure was so close to the water, the water table was a major consideration when installing the posts. With proper planning, our footings were able to maintain a dry pouring environment, which was particularly important due to the increased post sizes to accommodate the added load of the waterproof sail.
Project Highlights
Project Highlights

Free Span Fabric Structures
A free-span fabric structure is a cable reinforced, high-tension Shade Sail spanned between multiple anchor points. The fabric sail can be attached to existing structures and/or posts, which are engineered to support large amounts of load. These structures can cover both large and small areas and are particularly aesthetic, especially when post/attachment point heights are varied to create hyperbolic (twisted fabric) shapes. While the posts for these structures are permanent, the fabric itself can be removed for the winter and during storms. Free-span fabric structures are widely used across many industries and applications including restaurants, playgrounds, seating areas, public parks and spaces, storage and events.
- Certified installation recommended
- Large Spans
- Limited Span
- Post Position Flexibility
- Shade Design Flexibility
- ShadeArt™
- Substantial Footings