Sector Commercial
Size 1,250 sq ft
Location North York, Toronto
Duration 2 months
Fabric Commercial Heavy - Red
Owner Valleyview Residence
Architect/Engineer Shade Sails Canada Inc.
Valleyview Retirement Residence

Valleyview Retirement Residence is a not for profit long term care home situated near Bathurst and Finch in Toronto, ON. Valleyview was opened in December of 2004 and provides quality care to individuals with diverse backgrounds in an atmosphere of responsive and loving support. They strive to be the long term care centre that feels like home.
In the spirit of this goal, Valleyview contacted Shade Sails Canada Inc. to facilitate the creation of a safe and comfortable outdoor environment for their residents. Through stunning design and thorough analysis of solar angles and structural anchors, Shade Sails Canada transformed two of Valleyview’s outdoor spaces into beautiful, safe, and cozy leisure spaces.
Valleyview’s residents can now enjoy these renewed spaces throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons without worrying about solar impact or overheating. Shade Sails Canada takes great pride in facilitating the safety and longevity of Canadians throughout the country.
Project Highlights
Project Highlights

Free Span Fabric Structures
A free-span fabric structure is a cable reinforced, high-tension Shade Sail spanned between multiple anchor points. The fabric sail can be attached to existing structures and/or posts, which are engineered to support large amounts of load. These structures can cover both large and small areas and are particularly aesthetic, especially when post/attachment point heights are varied to create hyperbolic (twisted fabric) shapes. While the posts for these structures are permanent, the fabric itself can be removed for the winter and during storms. Free-span fabric structures are widely used across many industries and applications including restaurants, playgrounds, seating areas, public parks and spaces, storage and events.
- Certified installation recommended
- Large Spans
- Limited Span
- Post Position Flexibility
- Shade Design Flexibility
- ShadeArt™
- Substantial Footings