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Where should I position my Cable Clamps?
Cable clamps are included with your hardware to secure the cable that runs along the perimeter of the shade sail. The number of cable clamps will depend on the shade sail you purchased—the cable in custom shade sails terminates at each corner, whereas the cable for standard sails terminates at only one corner—however, the process for tightening and securing your cable with your cable clamps is the same for all shade sails. Making sure this step is done correctly will ensure the correct tensioning of your sails and increase its aesthetic. Brydon covers how to install the cable in the video at the bottom of this page, in this article, we'll address specifically where your cable clamps should be positioned.
Once your cable is properly installed and you have the correct amount of tension in your perimeter, it's time to tighten your cable clamps. The loop of the cable runs around a thimble, cable clamps should be positioned snug to the thimble. When the cable clamp is positioned further away, the cable can work itself off the thimble and lead to fraying. Please see the diagram below for correct positioning.